NWSE March Newsletter – Activities for Everyone! – Part 1

Dear NWSE Community,
We want to extend our deep appreciation and gratitude to you as all of us join together to navigate the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation.
First and foremost, we need to remember that this is a temporary situation. In that sense, let’s remain forward-thinking and positive while doing what we can to meet the challenges at hand in the meantime. So we suggest taking this opportunity to discover new ways to engage with other members of our exchange community.
As school closures and extended spring breaks are giving you significantly more time at home, we have teamed up to provide you with a list of fun activities!
Starting today, NWSE will provide ideas and suggestions for activities to help you make it through!
School Work and Online Classes
First: Check with your own school/counselor about online study options and/or requirements of your school. Other options:
iTunes Free Educational Courses (Only available for iphone. or ipad)
Learning Path – Free Online Courses
Swing Education – Specific School Closure Resources
Virtual Tour Of Museums
British Museum, London
Google’s Street View feature lets visitors tour the Guggenheim’s famous spiral staircase
Watch and Learn
Arts and Crafts
Learn the Japanese art or Origami
Mindfulness, Meditation, and Exercise
Insight Timer – Meditation App
Stop, Breathe & Think – Meditation App
Spring Cleaning
Ask your host family how you can help (rearranging things, dishes, yard work, dog walking, babysitting, etc)
Virtual Field Trips
San Diego Zoo
Did you know that tigers can see six times better than humans at night?
Books Books Books!
Virtual Concerts
Full List of All Live Streams by Celebrities during the Coronavirus
We hope this first list of suggestions is helpful! If you have additional suggestions for activities and websites, please share them with us via email at nwse@nwse.com and on the NWSE Facebook page so we can share them with the rest of the NWSE community!
The good news is: We are in this together and our collective energies and efforts will succeed!
Best wishes,
Your NWSE Team