High-School-Jahr in den USA


Hast Du schon Kontakt zu einer potentiellen Gastfamilie in den USA?

Schön, wenn Deine Familie bereits private Kontakte in den USA hat. Aber auch ohne solche Kontakte bist du hier richtig. Wir vermitteln auch Gastfamilien. Alle wichtigen Infos zum Schüleraustausch in die USA findest du auf den folgenden Seiten.

Gastfamilie vorhanden / Privater Schüleraustausch
Gastfamilie gesucht

“This was our first experience. Everything went very smoothly for us. My husband, who was pretty nervous about the whole idea [of hosting], loved the experience. He texted me the…

Laurie and Glenn from Montana, USA

“Taking part in this program was much more than living for six months in another continent with different people. I still can’t believe how close I got with my friends…

Chiara from Italy

“I think the greatest reward I got from my exchange was not only the better English skills but also every experience and lesson I had learned. It changed myself and…

Nawaporn from Thailand

“Every person I’ve met here in some way made me think better about myself. And this, I must say, is my biggest impression here. That anytime you talk to somebody –…

Arina from Russia
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